3 Ways to Update Your Copy to Convert in One Day
/Guest Post by Ashlyn Carter
I like calligraphy like I like my copywriting: both meld art and science. There's great precision and structure, meshed with a creative, wild flow in BOTH forms of writing: I do believe that's why I'm so crazy about it.
Can you relate? As creatives, we enter a dance of business and art, strategy and whimsy.
We have the best job ever, yes?
But since your creative j-o-b claims commands more clout than “artsy hobby,” let’s make sure it’s bringing in dollars -- sound good?
As a copywriter, I come alongside creative women, equipping them to share their stories with the right persuasive messaging: It really IS possible to market your business and create money-making-conversions from a place of rest -- NOT hustle -- in today’s noisy media landscape.
Want in on the secrets? Here are 3 things you can copyedit today to amp up your conversions.
1 | Write headlines that promise.
This is the first impression you have on your reader: don’t let it be the only. Headlines (and subject lines) hold the keys to the rest of the copy: when they don’t deliver, the rest of your words might as well not exist.
Don’t let your pretty words fall dead in the water!
Before you write the body copy, write your headline (yep, that’s the opposite of how most people write -- including how I wrote all through journalism school): I found it keeps my words tighter to DELIVER on the promise I’m making. Make it crush-worthy. And don’t forget clarity trumps cleverness!
2 | Create a chain reaction.
The purpose of sentence #1 is to get your reader to sentence #2. Then to #3. And #4 … and ultimately, to the call-to-action you need her to make.
Sounds simplistic … right?
So, next time you write a blog post or newsletter, steer your reader down the slope as you draft each sentence: write a promising headline, the irresistible benefit she can’t miss in your first paragraph, and then keep that promise.
From there, it’s just a yellow brick road to navigate her to the download, subscription, or comment you want, right?
3 | Trim your website.
Think about it. When you read the internet, if you can’t find what you’re looking for, you move your hand one inch, click off, and it’s on to the next one.
Your copy isn’t converting if it’s superfluous.
Today, rewrite one page on your website to make it more scannable. Embrace the line break, style up words with italics and bolds, stab space with subheads, numbers, and bullets.
You’ll find it feels so very rewarding for your reader to feel like she’s making progress.
Meandering like a boss right down your page.
Feel it?
Want to learn more secrets to words that convert? I’ve just launched Copywriting for Creatives, so you can learn to DIY your brand’s copy in 30 days. Sign up for a FREE, live workshop training as I spill the beans on everything I learned writing marketing copy in a PR agency! Plus, click here to get instant access to my new course: cheat-sheets, templates, 15 video trainings, and bonuses are yours as we learn to write a story that sells!
Belong readers!
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Do you want to learn the secrets to writing copy that connects and converts? Want to write for an authentic following, full of fans who love your message and voice?
Belong readers can sign up for Ashlyn's COPYWRITING FOR CREATIVES course and get $100 off! CLICK HERE to get all the details on the course. Use code BELONG for your $100 discount and be on your way to clarifying your message, becoming a marketing master and standing out in your industry.
We are thrilled to be able to support Ashlyn in this endeavor as we believe that what she is offering is the real deal. Check it out, friends!
Photo by Laura Barnes
Ashlyn is a calligrapher and copywriter for creatives, helping simplify storytelling for creative women. She has helped clients like Delta Air Lines, Chick-fil-A, Orkin, and Woodruff Arts Center tell their stories at a full-service PR firm — and then worked as publicist branding for celebrity chef Ford Fry. When not writing about herself in third person, she’s usually trying to scratch the ink off her fingernails or grabbing margs and tacos with her husband. You can find her at Ashlyn Writes or on social media @AshlynSCarter.