Your business plan is all finalized and the blog post is ready to go—and finally (sigh) you were just about to click the button to send in an application for grad school or for that perfect job. I understand you have your vision board and 10-steps to success affirmation poster hanging on the back of your bathroom door. Nothing is wrong with planning and setting goals, however, what happens when the timing of our dreams do not align with the timing of God’s purpose?
I understand because I am currently here.
I’m one of those 20-somethings that people talk so much about. The over passionate and ambitious young person who desires to do some good in the world. Upon graduation, I found myself on the shore of uncharted waters with the prompting of the Holy Spirit telling me dive in without a safety jacket. I was diving into a season of waiting—a season of uncertainty.
All my plans that I created came crumbling down right before my eyes.
It all happened so fast that my controlling antics didn't even have time kick in and clean up the mess. I found myself on the shore—I found myself on the edge and I could either run to what I know or by faith embrace this season of waiting.
Sister, we’ll all come to a point in our lives where we will find ourselves at the shore. At some point, we have to decide to draw a line in the sand and cross over from living a life lead by sight to living a life of unshakable faith.
Yes, there may be some pain in the waiting but trust that you can find peace in the process.
“Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised,” Romans 4:20-21.
Waiting is not passive. Waiting and resting on God is very active and intentional. Here are some tangible tips to encourage you in a season of waiting.
1. Timing
In our instant gratification world, many people believe that you can microwave success and that is the farthest thing from the truth. It is through the process that God reveals and refines our purpose. It is in the process that God will break us and make us beautiful again.
“To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven,”Ecclesiastes 3:1.
2. Trust
Trust that God is who he say he is! I have been encouraged during my season of waiting by believing that God will never leave me nor forsake me. I also love to watch Bethel Testimonies and see the promises of God fulfilled in other people lives.
I’m confident that if he did it for them he will do it for me. While trusting God get your eyes of your situation and fix them towards the cross.
“Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God,” Hebrews 12:2.
3. Triumph
When your time does come be thankful in your triumph. It’s not a time to try and go prove everyone who ever doubted your wrong. They only did and said what they knew how to do-- and yes that includes family.
Use your triumph to encourage other people and use it to strengthen yourself. Hard times will come again but our hope is rooted in God and not this world.
“Let all that I am wait quietly before God, for my hope is in him,” Psalm 62:5.
Credit: Anna Zajac
Dominique Jackson is native of Columbus, Ohio. She wasn't raised in a traditional church setting and gave her life to God when she was 19-years-old. Dominique is passionate about helping all people experience the Love Christ despite their background. Her goal is to build community and love with no limits. For fun, she enjoys eating oatmeal raisin cookies and watching Black-ish.